IP Documents

Customisable, Affordable and Legally Compliant Intellectual Property Documents for your Business. Empower Your Business with Expertise: Try Our Customisable IP Documents Prepared by Legal Experts!

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Legal Guide: Safeguarding Your Intellectual Property


What is it?

Intellectual property (IP) documents are the cornerstone of your creative and business protection. They include IP assignment agreements, IP waivers, and design and development agreements, ensuring that your creations and innovations are legally protected and correctly attributed.


When to use?

Whenever you develop new IP, collaborate on creative projects, or engage in activities that result in the creation or transfer of IP rights, these documents are essential. Whether you're an inventor, designer, developer, or entrepreneur, having legally binding IP agreements is crucial.


Key Purpose

These documents define the ownership, transfer, and use of IP. They clarify the rights and obligations of all parties involved, protect your IP from unauthorised use, and help prevent disputes over IP ownership.


Key Elements


  • IP Assignment Agreement: Transfers ownership of IP from one party to another, ensuring that the new owner has full rights to use and commercialise the IP.
  • IP Waiver: Releases any claims or rights over the IP, allowing the other party to use it freely without fear of future claims.
  • Design and Development Agreement: Outlines the terms under which IP will be created, including the scope of work, payment, timelines, and ownership of the resulting IP.


Benefits of Using a Create My Contract IP Documents

Enter Create My Contract – the leader in the legal tech industry. With its automated, customisable, and legally compliant contracts, you can avoid the hassle of drafting these documents from scratch or relying on unreliable free versions.


  • Customisation: Adapt your IP documents to suit your specific needs and industry standards.
  • Affordability: Avoid exorbitant legal fees. Create My Contract provides high-quality documents at a fraction of the cost.
  • Legally Compliant: Be assured that your documents are created by experienced lawyers and adhere to current laws and regulations.
  • Time-Saving: Don’t spend hours crafting agreements. With Create My Contract, you can produce professional-grade IP documents in minutes.


Don't let the complexities of IP law overwhelm you. Equip yourself with the right documents to secure your intellectual property. With Create My Contract, legal compliance is simple and affordable. Sign up today!


IP Documents Samples

IP Waiver - Sample
IP Waiver - Sample